Welcome to Scott Hollow Farm!
Thank you for visiting the website for Scott Hollow Farm located in the Marble Valley of western Virginia. Our first edition of our site was launched in 2020 with the mission of introducing visitors to the excitement of living surrounded by so much natural beauty, and the satisfaction that comes from appreciating and caring for this special place. We also wanted to share our experiences of working on a small farm that blends the needs of our grass-fed cattle with those of native wildlife.
It’s now 2023 and time for a few updates to the SHF site. We retained most of the familiar format and added a few enhancements we hope will make the site more enjoyable and informative. We’ve also added a section we’re calling SHF News where we will highlight special experiences and images as they occur. There is also a subscription option if visitors would like to receive periodic updates.
Our partnership with nature means there is always lot going on at Scott Hollow Farm and we love sharing both the day to day and the evolution of the farm through the years. Each aspect of our life here is captured by Lois’ camera, and you can see her photos throughout the site and particularly in the Lois’ Photography section. We hope you enjoy seeing the farm through our eyes and, perhaps, learning through our experiences. Please let us know what you think.
Scott Hollow is a pristine gap in western Augusta County running east to west from Great North Mountain into the Marble Valley below. Nestled in this gap is a remote mountain stream that winds its way down until emptying into a network of natural wetlands. These wetlands and the surrounding mountains, valleys, and meadows are ideal nesting and grazing grounds for the wildlife naturally found in the Appalachians and were the traditional hunting and fishing lands of the Pontiac and Shawnee Indians. The lowland pastures are fertile and for generations supported small cattle and poultry farms. The entire length of the Marble Valley is traversed by the Calfpasture River, an important headwaters stream of the James River. In 1998, Lois and I established our farm in this peaceful valley near Deerfield, Virginia, and named it Scott Hollow for that beautiful mountain gap we see every day.